cookieChoices = {}; * C.J Diary *: +++ TQ2 cik anumss +++

Friday 2 April 2010

+++ TQ2 cik anumss +++

sbnr nya dah lame die bg.. tp d sbb kn waktu tuan tnh kedaun ni..
yg agak tidak lapang..m'bantutkan keadaan..
ape2 pon..tima kacih byk2... cik anums


i) Thank & link the person that gave you the award.
ii) Pass this award onto 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic.

pass pd sape yg melihat (stok mls nk tag hehe)

iii) Contact said Blogs and let them know they've won the award.


iv) State 7 things about yourself.

1) sy seorg yg giler2
2) sy seorg pendgr yg bgs
3) sy seorg yg manja pd sape yg rapat dgn sy
4) suka buat muka ms nk tgkp gambar (bajet sgt comei)
5) sy seorg yg setia..xkira pd kwn mahu pon cinta
6) sy suka buat org happy walaupon sy x
7) sy sbnr nya sentimental org nya (xcaya tanya la kak shibam n the geng)


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